Wednesday, 22 April 2020

                                                          MY  ANZAC WREATH

I got a bit  of black pipe and made a circle . Then used cable ties to tie bits of trees on.
I made the poppys out of plastic lids and painted them.
and  stuck  them on the  wreath.
I am going to hang  it  out on the fence at the  end  of our drive way. 


  1. WOW WOW WOW Deegan, you have been really busy...that is awesome! I made one as well and I am putting it on my gate. Do you know what ANZAC stands for?

  2. Hi Deegan
    Gosh, your ANZAC wreath is almost as big as you! It looks really awesome! Did your mum or dad help you a wee bit or did you do all all yourself? How long did it take you to make it? What other activities have you been doing in the Lockdown?

  3. Your wreath looks fantastic Deegan. You have been very busy at your place. What a good idea to use a piece of pipe for the shape. The wreath we are making is very small compared to your one. We have made some big poppies and put them on our house, plus made some smaller ones too.

  4. Hi Deegan
    I like that you have taken up the weekly challenge and created a wreath to mark ANZAC Day. Your post grabs attention because you have included a photo of yourself holding the wreath. You have spent time to explain how you made your wreath. That is great because I now have some ideas about how I can make a wreath for my gate. Thank you so much for your sharing your idea. In my neighbourhood three people have put up poppies to mark ANZAC Day. Have nay of the others along your road put a wreath or poppy at their gate?
    When you are posting on you blog remember to add your labels to make your posts easier to find in the future.
    Awesome effort.

    Mrs H


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